About me
I come from a long line of artists, a family of painters, musicians and writers. Art is my passion and creating is what I do. I have had the privilege of showing my work in multiple group and solo exhibitions in galleries and museums in the Philippines and here in the United States. After graduating with a degree in Fine Arts, Painting, I started working in Graphic Design and Animation, notably at GMA Network Inc, the largest broadcasting network in the Philippines.
I have a thirst for knowledge that I can’t ever seem to quench. Both my passions and my strengths are in web and graphic design and the visual arts. In between freelancing, I continue to add on to my knowledge by taking online courses and collecting badges through Code School, Code Academy and Treehouse. I also like to create patterns and my own color palettes here, to use when I create websites. DoodlesOnPaper.com is where you will find things I’ve made, where I showcase my DIY projects and collect ideas from all over the web.
You can download My Resume, view My LinkedIn Profile, or you can emailme@joyblanchard.com.